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Regular Meeting of

The Marion Park District

Board of Commissioners

July 25, 2017

7:00 p.m.

Boys Scout Cabin

 Regular Meeting Minutes

 1. Call to Order

The regular meeting called to order by President Gott at 7:07 p.m. with the following

Commissioners present:

Commissioner Gardiner

Commissioner Sheffler

Commissioner McReynolds

Commissioner Gott

Commissioner Blades was absent from the Regular Meeting.

2. Open Forum

No one from the public was in attendance.

3. Approval of July 25, 2017 Agenda

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 7:08 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve the July 25, 2017 agenda.  Roll called.  Motion carried with unanimous vote.

4. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes: June 27, 2017

Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 7:09 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to approve the June 27, 2017 minutes.  Roll called.  Motion carried with unanimous vote.

5. Approval of June 2017 Financial Report

Director Reed advised the Commissioners that the Marion Park District is in good shape as of date of reports for the FY2017.  The highlights show that as of year-end we are $70,463.57 over the cash reserve.  This is better than Director Reed expected.  He included the $50,000 into the budget and his figures would have somewhere around $8,000 left over in the cash reserve.  When you take the draw down after the cash reserve it gives you $20,463.  We will start out the FY18 with right at $15,000 over the cash reserve.  He directed them to report B is the statement of revenues and expenses.  The pool had an income of $39,677.00 and expenses of $72,749.00; this puts the pool at a loss of approximately $10,000 from last fiscal year, the pool loss is right at $32,000.  The Marion Park Districts figures for the budgeted income for FY2017 were $918,000 and the actual income was $906,000, everything else is fine.  Commissioner Sheffler questioned the income for the Memorial Day Fund from the City of Marion.  Director Reed advised $5,000 was from the City the other was various other deposits outside of the City of Marion’s.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 7:15 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve the June 2017 Financial Report.  Roll called.  Motion carried with unanimous vote.

6. Department Reports

a. Administration

b. Park Services

c. Aquatic

d. Intern

Commissioner Gott would like to jump to item 6d in respect of Emily Stroud’s time.  Emily advised the Commissioners that the Marion Rocks program has been going well and she has received positive feedback from the program.  Emily has sifted through the books donated by the Marion Carnegie Library and has placed books in various Little Libraries.  She has given out several discs for disc golf at the pool this summer and will be giving out discs during the event this weekend.  She reported that the Snapchat Geofilter was still under review and will keep Director Reed posted on any updates.  Commissioner Gardiner asked about the Snapchat app.  Emily explained what the Geofilter is and it will be used as public art and there is no upkeep.  Filters can also be bought for events as well and the Park District may want to look into that for the future.

The Administration and Park Services report were sent out to the Commissioners prior to the meeting.  Director Reed advised that there were a few additions to the Administration report.  Novacom has submitted the proposal / estimate for the free Wi-Fi at Jones Park with cost over $3,000.00.  The next step would be to meet with the City of Marion regarding piggy backing off of the City; if this pilot program works we may be able to allow this service in other parks.

Director Reed advised that the $200,000 grant funds were received from the Fred G. Harrison and Julia Harrison Bruce Foundation. Director Reed has done some research on the renovation of the courts and he believes that it would be best when the weather cools off rename the park and have a dedication ceremony.  Then early next spring we will put out for bids for demolition and renovation of the courts and start on the Dog Park as well.  If we try to do this now we could run into bad weather because it is a 10 week process.

Director Reed highlighted information on the Administration Report regarding Marion Youth Football and the Blue & Gold Triathlon.  Director Reed advised it was requested that Administrative Assistant Kim research employees and Commissioners receiving pool passes at a discount.  This information was found in 2004 minutes, he will begin this in the 2018 season and believes that it does not need to be revisited.  Commissioner Gott advised Director Reed to look into that because he thinks that a Commissioner is not allowed to have anything that isn’t given to the public.  Director Reed advised that it will be researched prior to implementing.

Director Reed advised the Commissioners of information regarding the upcoming solar eclipse and the Aquatic Center phone lines.  Director Reed also advised the Commissioners of information regarding the flood plains in Ashley Park and the proposed walking trail.

Director Reed updated the Commissioners on the storm on July 13, 2017 and clean-up projects from that storm. Pictures were shown to the Commissioners from Park Services projects and Director Reed updated the Commissioners on the Aquatic Center report highlighting the slide motor incident and purchase of a new sound system and speakers.

7. Commissioners Reports

Commissioner Gott asked if anyone had anything to add for Commissioner Reports.  Commissioner Gardiner and Commissioner McReynolds had nothing to add. Commissioner Sheffler states that he is pleased with the looks of the parks and the  financials.

Commissioner Gott asked Director Reed to contact Randy Barton regarding getting in contact with soccer.  Commissioner Gott updated the Commissioners on the Inclusive Playground.  He has met with a potential donor for the Inclusive Playground and they are very pleased with the information provided.  The donor is discussing donating a large sum of money with payments over a 5 year period, the Park District will have to consider taking out a loan.  Director Reed is currently working on a proposal to the donor.  The Park District is also working on using the Marion Chamber of Commerce and utilizing their 501c3.

8. Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (if requested):

a. Executive / Closed Minutes – Discussion of minutes of meeting lawfully closed under Illinois Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes.

b. Negotiations – the collective negotiations between public employers and their employees and deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 8:19 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve going into Executive Session.  Roll called.  Motion carried with unanimous vote.

9. Reconvene to Open Session (possible actions following Executive Session)

Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:47 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve reconvening into Open Session.  Roll called.  Motion carried with unanimous vote.

10. New Business

a. Discuss / Approve Southern Illinois Adult Soccer League (SIASL) schedule for Fall 2017.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:50 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to Southern Illinois Adult Soccer League (SIASL) schedule for fall 2017.  Roll called.  Motion carried with unanimous vote.

b. Discuss / Approve Ordinance 17-08 Surplus Personal Property (Trade-In) Dump Truck and Mower.

Commissioner Gardiner would like to discuss the Ordinance presented.  Director Reed advised that in April 2017 the purchase of a Dump Truck was approved.  The Ordinance is an instrument to trade property that is owned by the Park District.  Each time there is a trade there will need to be an Ordinance and the trade be documented.  We can do a generic Ordinance for the scrap but any trade does need to be documented.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:56 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve Ordinance 17-08 Surplus Personal Property (Trade-In) Dump Truck and Mower.  Roll called.  Motion carried with unanimous vote.

c. Discuss / Approve advertising for bids on Russell Street Park Tennis Court renovations.

Director Reed advised that we will not be asking for bids until spring 2018.  Commissioner Gott asked if we had the money for the renovations, Director Reed advised yes.  Commissioner Gott stated he thinks we need to move forward with getting bids.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:59 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve advertising for bids on Russell Street Park Tennis Court renovations.  Roll called.  Motion carried with unanimous vote.

d. Discuss / Approve per Ordinance 11-03; Section 8 regarding Public Meeting in reference to a request from John Sanders to have an event in Ray Fosse Park tentatively scheduled for August 19, 2017.

There was discussion regarding any information in the Park District Code or Law Handbook.  Director Reed advised he didn’t see anything.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 9:05 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve John Sanders to have an event in Ray Fosse Park on September 9th or 16th (per updated email).  Roll called.  Motion carried with unanimous vote.

e. Discuss / Approve prioritizing / finalizing the list of Capital Projects.

Commissioner Gott states that since there can’t be anything done with the bridge and trail system at Ashley Park, the money can be moved or allowed for other projects.  Commissioner Sheffler questions if there can’t be a bridge and trail system at Ashley Park, can the land be utilized any other way.  Director Reed advised without doing the studies you will not be able to put anything in the open land at Ashley Park.  Director Reed stated that the person at IDNR advised it is not impossible to put anything there but there will be a permit process and it will cost money.

Commissioner Gardiner and Gott would like to update the spreadsheet with a completion date column.

There was discussion regarding the Goofy Golf and Batting Cages with the possibility of cleanup again in the fall.  Commissioner Sheffler questioned moving the money from the bridge and trail system to the inclusive playground.   Director Reed would like to look into the possibility of putting in the athletic equipment on the walking trail at Fosse Park.  Commissioner Gardiner asked about putting an additional sidewalk along Otis Street.  There was also talk about putting in a bocce court in the area behind Goofy Golf as well as filling in the old tennis courts and putting in a beach volleyball court.  Commissioner Gott stated that Fairfield just put in a beach volleyball court.  Director Reed states that he will reach out to them.  Commissioner Gott states that the item can be tabled for Director Reed to do research regarding the bocce and beach volleyball courts.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 9:51 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to table prioritizing / finalizing the list of Capital Projects.  Roll called.  Motion carried with unanimous vote.

11. Next Meeting Date: August 22, 2017

Director Reed advised the Commissioners that there was a purchase made of a 4 wheeler and was within the spending limit policy.

12. Adjournment

Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 9:56 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Marion Park District Board of Commissioners.  Roll called.  Motion carried with unanimous vote.


In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at the public meeting of the Marion Park District Board of Commissioners should contact Jack Reed, Director at 618-993-3940.