Regular Meeting of
The Marion Park District
Board of Commissioners
September 27, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Boy Scout Cabin
Regular Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order
Regular meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. with the following
Commissioners present:
Commissioner Gardiner
Commissioner McReynolds
Commissioner Sheffler
Commissioner Gott
2. Open Forum
Introduction of new employee, Park Services Tech I – Kyle Houseright, to the Board of Commissioners.
Kyle and wife Lauren were present for a formal introduction to the Board of Commissioners as the Marion Park District’s new employee.
No members of the public present.
3. Approval of the September 27, 2016 Agenda
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 7:08 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to approve the September 27, 2016 agenda. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
4. Approval of Minutes: August 23, 2016
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 7:09 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve the August 23, 2016 minutes. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
Commissioner Gott asked that the Board of Commissioners make a motion to move to New Business item 11a in respect for the time of Stephen Adams of Bernardi Securities.
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 7:09 p.m. to move to item 11a Stephen Adams, Bernardi Securities, to discuss finalizing bond issues; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
Stephen Adams advised the Commissioners that closing will be on September 28, 2016 and funds will be transferred at that time. The bonds will be at a fixed rate of 2.82%. Payment for the bonds will take place twice a year, once in December and the other in June, starting December 2016. There is an additional request on the issuance of this bond, Bernardi Securities is to receive the Marion Park District’s audit yearly to place on the EMMA website.
Commissioner Gott asked the Board of Commissioners to make a motion to move back to Item # 5 of the agenda.
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 7:29 p.m. to move back to item # 5 of the agenda, seconded by Commissioner McReynolds. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
5. Approval of August Financial Report
Director Reed addressed the Board regarding the discrepancies in the financial reports under a few line items in the Parks & Recreation Expenses. Director Reed advised that these percentages have changed and the corrections have been made.
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 7:38 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve the August Financial Report. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
6. Department Reports
a. Administration
b. Park Services
Director Reed discussed the Administrative reports that were presented to the Commissioners. Director Reed added that Dark Horse Ministries has found a new permanent home and Chris Ionatti returned the key on September 27, 2016.
Director Reed discussed the Park Services reports and presented pictures of some of the projects that are being worked on by Park Services staff and the City of Marion.
7. Commissioners Reports
Commissioner Sheffler has relayed to the Commissioner of the Street Department with the City of Marion the appreciation and work that has been completed with the Marion Park District.
Commissioner Gott advised the Board that there was a separate fund set up for the new bond monies coming in called the Project Account Fund.
8. Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (2) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (if requested):
a. Personnel – To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony or a complaint lodges against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
b. Real Estate – the acquisition or lease of real property or the selling or rental price of real estate.
Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 8:00 p.m.to go into Executive session; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
9. Reconvene to Open Session (possible actions following Executive Session).
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:46 p.m.to go back into open session; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
10. Old Business
a. Discuss / Approve FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) policy.
Director Reed advised the Board that at this time the item needs to be tabled due to new draft needs to be created.
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:52 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to table the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) policy. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
11. New Business
b. Discuss / Approve Amanda Johnson & friends holding a candlelight vigil at Ray Fosse Park on October 7, 2016 for the victims / animals that were effected by Elisa Kirkpatrick.
Director Reed advised this is to be addressed by Administrative Assistant, and Amanda Johnson was supposed to be at the meeting to present her information.
Commissioner Gott entertained a motion to table the candlelight vigil since Amanda Johnson was not present at the meeting. No motion made by Commissioners.
Commissioner Gott entertained a motion to approve the candlelight vigil. No motion made by the Commissioners, agenda item dies due to lack of motion.
c. Discuss / Approve Baseball / Softball Tournament dates for 2017 season.
Eric Hooper (GMB) – April 21 – 23, 2017 and June 2 – 4, 2017
Dave Penning (Game 7) – 1st weekend in May 2017
Lori Strode (SB) – June 16 – 18, 2017
Director Reed advised Commissioners of the background of the tournaments. Eric Hooper usually has 3 tournaments with the Marion Park District and once found out there was another tournament coordinator interested he wanted to do another tournament. Director Reed advised that more than 4 tournaments within the parks are too much.
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 9:05 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve the Baseball / Softball Tournament dates for 2017 season. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
12. Next Meeting Date: October 25, 2016
Commissioner McReynolds will be gone for the next meeting.
Director Reed advised there will be a hearing before the next meeting at 6:30 p.m. or 6:45 p.m. on October 25, 2016.
13. Adjournment
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 9:06 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds, to adjourn the Regular Meeting September 27, 2016. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of
a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at the public meeting of
the Marion Park District Board of Commissioners should contact Jack Reed, Director at 618-993-3940.