Regular Meeting of
The Marion Park District
Board of Commissioners
July 24, 2018
7:00 p.m.
Boys Scout Cabin
Regular Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order
The regular meeting called to order by President Gott at 7:05 p.m. with the
following Commissioners present:
Commissioner Gardiner
Commissioner McReynolds
Commissioner Welch
Commissioner Gott
Commissioner Sheffler was absent for the meeting.
2. Open Forum
There are no public attendees currently.
3. Approval of July 24, 2018 Agenda
Director Reed advised the Commissioners that a change needed to be made to the agenda. On the New Business item marked 11a, Discuss / Approve recent invoices from McConnell and Associates for a total of $25,169.00 should read $30,924.00 and the item needs to be changed from 11a to 11c.
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 7:08 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve the July 24, 2018 agenda with changes. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
4. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes: June 21, 2018
Commissioner Gott stated that in the Administrative Reports section Diedrich needs to be changed to Deiderich.
Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 7:10 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve the June 21, 2018 minutes with changes noted. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
5. Approval of June 2018 Financial Report
Commissioner Gott asked Director Reed if there was anything to note in the financial reports. Director Reed advised the Commissioner that the June financial report is the end of the fiscal year report. He directed the Commissioners to the highlights because of the expenditures we were decreased in our total cash, however on the second page we are $166,849,89 over our cash reserve of $163,296.74. On the FY2018 Budget Ordinance we projected we would be at $165,789. 79 on the cash reserve and we came in at $163,296.74, which he is extremely pleased with. Our Fiscal year 2018 income we came in at 90.3% and our expenditures were at 91.1%.
Commissioner Welch made a motion at 7:18 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve the June 2018 Financial Report. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
6. Department Reports
a. Administration
b. Park Services
c. Aquatic Center
Commissioner Gott moved to the Department Reports and gave Director Reed the floor to go over the Administration Report. Director Reed advised the Commissioners that Joe Pearce has donated $700.00 for striping on the tennis courts for 10U. Joe is getting ready to retire and would like to do tennis lessons, etc. at the courts, which Director Reed thought would be a perfect opportunity and we could possibly work something out like we did with Sara Fisher Yoga. Director Reed ran through the Administrative Report giving the Commissioner highlights of payments received from the City of Marion, Illinois State Comptroller, reimbursements from MYBSA and City of Marion and Inclusive Playground donation checks from NRPA / Disney and the Marion Lions Club. Additional information was provided to the Commissioners regarding the asphalt project beginning in August and the final walk through of the tennis courts with Justan Vaughn of McConnell & Associates as well as Ken Roberts with General Acrylics.
Commissioner Gott moved to the Park Services report. Director Reed reported that the list looks very small, but the Park Services staff are completing projects and beginning new ones. Pictures were shown of the projects that have been worked on or completed, which included the Bags Complex and storm damage cleanup / repair.
Commissioner Gott moved to the Aquatic Center report. Director Reed advised that the Aquatics Center is doing very well this year. Average attendance for the ½ price Fridays is currently at 83 and there has been a very good response. Director Reed advised the Commissioners that concessions are going very well, and he would like to look in the future as the Park District handling the concessions. He believes that Manager Christy has a very good handle on the concessions and there is a possibility of making money outside of labor.
7. Commissioner Reports
Commissioner Gott asked if any Commissioners had anything to report. Commissioner
Gardiner stated he had received a complaint from Aldersgate Church about their pavilion rental and the trash hadn’t been picked up or the picnic tables hadn’t been moved back after the Marlins Invitational. Commissioner McReynolds or Commissioner Welch had nothing to add. Commissioner Gott asked if individual donors can be recognized on Facebook with Administrative Assistant Kim responding that it could be done and would start posting one donor per day via Facebook the next day. Commissioner Gott advised the Commissioners that he met with Heartland Regional Medical Center staff and they have donated $10,000 to the inclusive playground, he also advised that the Heartland Regional Medical Center employees donation may be more than originally expected. He also received an email that day that McDonald’s / Ronald McDonald House Charities has donated $3,000.00 and will be doing a check presentation on Friday, July 27th at 9:00 a.m. at the Inclusive Playground thermometer if any other Commissioners would like to attend. Commissioner Gott asked Director Reed if the Park District could provide bags for the Bags Complex, there was a discussion regarding the bags and where they could be kept without getting weathered.
8. Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (2) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (if requested):
a. Executive / Closed Minutes – Discussion of minutes of meeting lawfully closed under Illinois Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes.
b. Personnel – To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony or a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:06 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve going into Executive Session. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
9. Reconvene to Open Session (possible actions following Executive Session)
Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 8:34 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve reconvening into Open Session. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
10. Old Business
a. Discuss / Approve MYBSA lease of N. Otis Street concession building.
Per Commissioner Gott the following items need to be tabled until information is received from Knute Aronson with Pepsi MidAmerica.
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:37 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to table MYBSA lease of N. Otis Street concession building for revisions of the language regarding Pepsi. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
b. Discuss / Approve MSI lease of concession building at the Soccer Complex.
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:37 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to table MSI lease of concession Building at the Soccer Complex for revisions of the language regarding Pepsi. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
c. Discuss / Approve Batting Cage and Goofy Golf lease for 2018.
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:37 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to table Batting Cage and Goofy Golf lease for 2018 for revisions of the language regarding Pepsi. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
d. Discuss / Approve agreement between Marion Park District and Pepsi MidAmerica.
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:37 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to table the agreement between Marion Park District and Pepsi MidAmerica. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
11. New Business
a. Discuss/ Approve FY19 hiring temporary employees for Park Services and Aquatic Center staff at Director Reed’s discretion.
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:37 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve FY19 hiring temporary employees for Park Services and Aquatic Center staff at Director Reed’s discretion. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
b. Discuss / Approve prioritizing / finalizing the list of Capital Projects.
Commissioners and Director Reed had a discussion regarding the projects. No motion made at this time due to no action of the list taken.
c. Discuss / Approve recent invoices from McConnell and Associates for a total of $30,924.00.
i. Paint
ii. Tennis Court Work
Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 8:43 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve recent invoice from McConnell and Associates for a total of $30,924.00. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
12. Next Meeting Date: August 28, 2018
13. Adjournment
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:44 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Marion Park District Board of Commissioners. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at the public meeting of the Marion Park District Board of Commissioners should contact Jack Reed, Director