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Regular Meeting of
The Marion Park District
Board of Commissioners
August 28, 2018
7:00 p.m.
Boys Scout Cabin

Regular Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order

The regular meeting called to order by President Gott at 7:05 p.m. with the
following Commissioners present:

Commissioner Gardiner
Commissioner Sheffler
Commissioner McReynolds
Commissioner Welch
Commissioner Gott

2. Open Forum

Naomi Stone with Southern Illinois Adult Soccer was in attendance for the meeting.
Naomi was present to say “thank you” to the Commissioners for allowing the Adult
Soccer teams to play on the fields at the Soccer Complex. Naomi advised at this time there are 4 teams for the fall season.

3. Approval of August 28, 2018 Agenda

Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 7:07 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve the August 28, 2018 agenda with changes. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.

4. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes: July 24, 2018

Commissioner Gott stated that on the 3rd page of the minutes, the $165,789.xx needs to be changed to the exact dollar amount.

Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 7:10 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve the July 24, 2018 minutes with changes noted. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.

5. Approval of July 2018 Financial Report

Commissioner Gott asked Director Reed if there was anything to note in the financial reports. Director Reed advised the Commissioner that the it is still early in FY19 but right now we are $107.037.78 over the 18% cash reserve. Director Reed advised the Commissioners that the overage / underage of the cash reserve was researched from 2015 to 2018 and presented them with the numbers. He advised that the District is sitting good financially with the cash reserve and overage.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 7:12 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve the July 2018 Financial Report. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.

Gabby Allen entered the meeting at 7:12 p.m. as a public attendee. Commissioner Gott addressed Gabby and asked if he had any public comments to add. Mr. Allen addressed the Board and wanted to commend them on the addition to the basketball courts at Jones Park. Mr. Allen also states that the players on the courts are requesting break-away rims. Director Reed advised that there are some brand new rims at the shop that haven’t been installed yet, but they are not break-away rims. Director Reed will have to check with the insurance regarding liability before we can install anything, but he will investigate it. Mr. Allen also wanted to know if there were intentions of doing the other court at Jones Park, Director Reed stated no, they located the wrong courts. Mr. Allen also wanted to know if they could trim the trees on the East court at Jones Park.

6. Department Reports
a. Administration
b. Park Services
c. Aquatic Center

Commissioner Gott moved to the Department Reports and gave Director Reed the floor to go over the Administration Report. Director Reed advised he is still seeking donations for the Inclusive Playground and has taken information to Tim Odum. Director Reed stated the Inclusive Playground installation of the equipment has been completed and there were a few items that were shorted from the packaging, but we have that on order. There was a labor issue and needing an operating engineer on location which cost us $1,800.00. There was another issue with electrical repair and cost about $1,000.00. Director Reed advised the Commissioners that he met with the Pickleball community regarding the courts at Harrison – Bruce Park, they will be hosting a free Pickleball Course in September for the public to attend. Pictures of the projects from Park Services were shown to the Commissioners. Director Reed gave the Commissioners an update on the Park Services and Aquatics report. Director Reed advised the Commissioners that we are having an issue with getting Pepsi to pick up our CO2 tanks at the Aquatic Center. Commissioner Gardiner made the suggestion to contact Keith Dickenson to help with getting the situation cleared up.

7. Commissioner Reports

Commissioner Gott asked if any Commissioners had anything to report.
Commissioner Gardiner asked Director Reed if he could get a bid from E.T. Simonds for the East basketball courts at Jones Park. Commissioner Welch also asked about researching the break-away rims and getting those installed also.
Director Reed stated that he did forget two things and asked Commissioner Gott to allow him to interrupt. Director Reed showed the Commissioners the shadow box that was made from the ribbon cutting of Harrison – Bruce Park. Director Reed also presented a plaque to Commissioner Gardiner for 15 years of service on the Marion Park District Board as a Commissioner.
Commissioner Sheffler stated that as everyone could see Gabby was very excited about the basketball courts at Jones Park. He has also received very positive feedback about the additional parking spaces in Ashley Park.
Commissioner McReynolds and Commissioner Welch had nothing to add.
Commissioner Gott read the letter from Steve Miller of the Pony World Series. He also added that he attended the HRMC employee picnic and they were very pleased with the facilities as well as the playground area. They are hoping to make this an annual event.

8. Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (2) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (if requested):

a. Executive / Closed Minutes – Discussion of minutes of meeting lawfully closed under Illinois Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes.
b. Personnel – To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony or a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 7:54 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to approve going into Executive Session. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.

9. Reconvene to Open Session (possible actions following Executive Session)

Commissioner Welch made a motion at 8:12 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to approve reconvening into Open Session. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.

10. Old Business

Director Reed made the recommendation to the Commissioners to pass items a – c with amendments by removing the items that are related to Pepsi.

a. Discuss / Approve MYBSA lease of N. Otis Street concession building.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:15 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve MYBSA lease of N. Otis Street concession building and removing # 10 from the lease. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.

b. Discuss / Approve MSI lease of concession building at the Soccer Complex.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:16 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve MSI lease of concession Building at the Soccer Complex and removing # 10 from the lease. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.

c. Discuss / Approve Batting Cage and Goofy Golf lease for 2018.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:17 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve the Batting Cage and also approve the Goofy Golf removing item # 9 from the Goofy Golf lease. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote. After roll called Commissioner Gott asked to do another Roll Call for this item. Commissioner Gardiner – yea, Commissioner Sheffler – yea, Commissioner McReynolds – yea, Commissioner Welch – yea, Commissioner Gott – silent. Motion carried with unanimous vote.

d. Discuss / Approve agreement between Marion Park District and Pepsi MidAmerica.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:20 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to remove the agreement between Marion Park District and Pepsi MidAmerica due to lack of a proposal. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.

11. New Business

a. Discuss/ Approve naming Field # 4 to Johnny Goss Field.

Director Reed advised this item was put on the agenda per the request of Commissioner Sheffler. Commissioner Sheffler addressed the Commissioners regarding his support for Mr. Goss. Mr. Goss has coached at the fields for a lot of years and has also helped the Park District in their various projects as a City Commissioner. He would like to recognize him for his public service.

Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:26 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to approve naming Field # 4 to Johnny Goss Field. Roll called. Commissioner Gardiner – yea, Commissioner Sheffler – yea, Commissioner McReynolds – yea, Commissioner Welch – yea, Commissioner Gott – nay. Motion carried with a 4 -1 vote.

b. Discuss / Approve final invoice from McConnell & Associates for the tennis court construction in the amount of $25,169.00.

Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:27 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve final invoice from McConnell and Associates for the tennis court construction in the amount of $25,169.00. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.

c. Discuss proposal from ProTek Communications and Clearwave for internet improvements at Ray Fosse Park.

Director Reed advised the Commissioner that this was just a discussion item. If they desire at the next meeting the representatives from ProTek Communications, Cam McCurdy and Clearwave, Chris Snyder, can be present. There was discussion by the Commissioners and Commissioner Welch wanted to know about Futiva. Director Reed stated that he could contact Futiva if he would like. Commissioner Welch has contacted someone with Futiva and will let Director Reed know what is said.

d. Discuss / Approve prioritizing / finalizing the Capital Projects list.

Director Reed advised the Commissioners at this time there was nothing that needed to be decided. He would like to see some adult changing stations as a consideration in the future.

No motion for this item as no changes made.

12. Next Meeting Date: September 25, 2018

13. Adjournment

Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:52 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Marion Park District Board of Commissioners. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.

In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at the public meeting of the Marion Park District Board of Commissioners should contact Jack Reed, Director